A cataclysm threatens the Feywild. The Seelie Queen calls on adventurers to discover who seeks the destruction of the world-spanning fae wood and the dark purpose that drives their cause. Representatives from the Court of Hunger, the Court of Seeds, the Court of Radiance, and the Gloaming band together to save their home and uncover the true reason for the realm's existence amongst the planes of the multiverse
Courts of Crystal is our first tale and is played using D&D 5E with a story by Anne Richmond
Anne creates TTRPG content as Hearthsinger Games on YouTube. She is a series regular and Game Master on the award winning Vaesen podcast, The Lost Mountain Saga. She has been an actual play guest on Paizo, Beadle & Grimm’s, The Glass Cannon Network, Strange Table Fellows (STF&Friends), and WafflesMapleSyrup. She is currently the Community & Social Manager for Atomic Mass Games. Anne has also been a Technical Producer on Androids & Aliens for The Glass Cannon Network and the Creative Content Producer and host of GTS Distribution’s tabletop gaming channel, Active Player Network. Outside of TTRPG land, Anne has performed in the Robin Hood scenario, fight team, and the Sirens of Sterling singing group at the New York Renaissance Faire from 2012-2017 and is a graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts.
Game Master, Writer, Audio Engineer
Daria - Tiefling Blood Hunter
Diana DiMicco is a professional GM, Writer, and Dicemaker. Most recently helming the World of Darkness content released from Renegade Game Studios including The Nightlife (VtM) the Day Shift (HtR) and their Month of Darkness specials, New Blood, and High Stakes. She has two self-published TTRPGs releasing in 2023, on the site she owns with her partner: Bard & Barbarian. Find her across the internet wherever games are being played- usually for charity!
Kris is a TTRPG AP podcaster and streamer. They are currently a regular cast member of the Faeforge Academy podcast, but you can find them in many places across the sphere playing in various AP and charity fundraising games.
Endo - Eladrin Cleric
Brock - Shifter Barbarian
Chris Cinneas (a.k.a PaintingPirate) is a Miniature Painter, Streamer, TTRPG Performer, VO Artist and general Rogue/Bard. With a focus on breaking down barriers he focuses on encouraging viewers to take a shot at things they might find daunting, be it picking up a brush to slap paint on a mini for the first time, gleefully finding an entry into long running narrative properties such as Final Fantasy or a variety of tabletop games (pen & paper or wargaming) or just generally showing you can't possibly be as bad at FPS games as he is. No matter the activity Chris has curated spaces where people sharing these interests can hang out and find a welcoming place to share joy without fear of judgment or general shitbaggery. As a TTRPG performer, Chris has made guest appearances on a number of Charity one-shot streams across a variety of game types, and has been a regular cast member with the Brinkwood: The Blood of Tyrants system`. He is thrilled to be a part of Courts of Crystal and tell this new story!
Pandora - Tabaxi Druid
Syrup is an artist, producer, & GM Badass over on WafflesMapleSyrup, a TTRPG company she co-founded alongside her partner. Her vision is to create a space to champion diverse voices & mental health through quality collaborative storytelling.